A Girl’s Tears ( a negative), 2019

Medium: micron 9” x 10.5”


A Girl’s Tears, 2019

Medium: micron 9” x 10.5”

Natalie Romdenne

Graphic Design and Optometry Student

My Work.

Artist Statement

I am a graphic designer and a 2D artist who creates personal work through internalizing feelings, thoughts, and emotions and cliental work through purpose.

Describing my style is describing myself. As I develop and change, the quality and style of my art do as well. Curiosity, self-growth, exploration, and representation are what drives my work and passion. As a 2D artist, charcoal, oil pastel, acrylics, and graphite are the media I mainly work with. Creating a connection between the viewer, artist, and other viewers is the goal of my work.  My personal art is meant to create a lasting impact and leave the audience with diverse thoughts and emotions.

My graphic design work fulfills my need to help others. It is clean and has a purpose to it. I feel that art is a way to connect with others. It may not be in a physical helping way that most think, but it allows for insight into who the client is. Creating cliental work let’s me personally connect and help others reach their goals.

Get to know me

Hello, Dajia hao! I’m Natalie.

I am currently a graphic design and optometry major, at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls. Advancing my multi media experiences is sometthing I continue to improve and love learning new skills. Currently, I am building my drawing and digital illustrations.

With my dual degrees, I would like to practice clinical work with optometry and do my won marketing with my BFA. I will go to medical school after graduating with my BFA.

Outside of schooling, working out, sports, and self-growth are daily activites I enjoy.

Contact me.

Email: natromdenne@gmail.com

Instagram: project_nat


Maddy Rae Powers


Juliana Romero-Jensen