Hi! I’m Amanda!

I’m a student at UW-River Falls pursuing a BFA in Printmaking. I work predominately as a printer and a mixed media artist, but also dabble in ceramics as well. I find a lot of inspiration in natural elements, psychology, and the use of color.

mixed media/collage work



    Amanda Herzog is a multi-media artist exploring design, color, and the collaboration of psychology and art within her work. Surface treatment on ceramic surfaces as well as exploring different mixed media techniques have been the topics of her recent explorations.


            She works predominately as a printmaker, focusing mostly on linoleum relief and screen-printing as her preferred printing methods. She also works as a ceramicist, creating both hand built and thrown work. The two overlap as she uses techniques such as color theory and designs developed as a printer and translates them onto the surface of her ceramic pieces.

say hi!


Monica Harper


Madeline Jezierski